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Workstation ergonomic north sydney

Ergonomic School Programs

nvest in the health and comfort of your students with our specialised School Ergonomics Programs. We understand the importance of creating an optimal learning environment that fosters concentration, productivity, and overall well-being. Our expert team will collaborate with your educational institution to design tailored ergonomic solutions that cater to the unique needs of your students.

Through interactive workshops and practical demonstrations, we empower students to develop healthy habits and proper posture, reducing the risk of musculoskeletal issues and discomfort. Our programs encompass workstation assessments, furniture optimisation, and guidance on using digital devices responsibly.

Ergonomic school programs education preventative injuries

Workplace Wellness Programs 

"Companies with workplace wellness programs in place report a 66% productivity increase, 67% increase in employee satisfaction, 63% increase in financial stability and growth, and 50% decrease in absenteeism."

National Institute of Health 

child working at desk with good ergonomics and posture

What Sets Us Apart

Urban Ergonomics North Sydney Lobby Waiting Area Ergonomic Consultants

Contact Us

Come Visit Us

Level 1, 80 Mount St

North Sydney, NSW 2060

Call Us

1300 200 357

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